Detailed Security Risk Assessments
Analysis of incidents/Community related violence/Kidnapping for ransom & extortion/Armed robbery/Accommodation and physical security in isolated areasRoute reconnaissance & analysis/ Vehicle accidents in isolated areas/Field hygiene/Emergency services their location, availability, capability & response times.
Security Risk and Crisis Management Consulting
Compilation of comprehensive crisis management plans specific to individual clientele.
Critical Incident Advice and Support
Compilation of comprehensive emergency management plans specific to individual clientele.
Embedded Risk Advisors
Employment of specialized dedicated personnel to mitigate risk to the client’s core business requirements.
Travel Safety & PNG Security Inductions
Detailed seminars and workshops specific to the complex working environment within the region.
Project Management
Employment of specialized dedicated personnel to manage project specific risks and challenges within the PNG environment.
Risk Awareness Training
Desk-top and scenario based training that encourages awareness, participation & understanding of the prevention of risk.
Security Escorting (Armed/Unarmed)
Provision of fully vetted and trained security officers/escorts for the protection of clients and VIP’s. Escorts are dedicated to the protection and safety of clients 24/7 during their deployments to maximise the clients ability to perform their job specific requirement with minimal disturbance.
Security - Static Guarding (Armed/Unarmed)
Through the conjoined venture of Koda Consulting and Rapid Response we offer a static guard service on three 8 hour shifts 24/7 to provide more proficient service. The service comes with 24/7 monitoring and emergency response provided by Rapid Response.